What is LahoreSnob.com?

LahoreSnob.com is a modern and user friendly directory of only the finest businesses in Lahore. Lahore residents & visitors can now find the top places in Lahore quickly and easily, from the convenience of their own computers. Each company is thoughtfully selected, keeping the most tasteful customer's experience in mind.

Do I have to be a Snob to use LahoreSnob.com?

No. Anyone can use LahoreSnob.com!

Can any business get listed on LahoreSnob.com?

This is an exclusive directory of carefully chosen companies, therefore not every business will qualify for a listing on LahoreSnob.com. We do apologize for being such snobs.

What makes LahoreSnob.com so different from the other online directories?

Every business on our site has been "snob approved" for your convenience. When you only want the best, you can rely on LahoreSnob.com.

How do you find the businesses that are listed on LahoreSnob.com?

We are continuously searching for the best existing and newly opened businesses in the city. We scour the city and personally visit the businesses for evaluation. In addition, our dedication to quality has earned us a substantial following in Pakistan and abroad. We receive many suggestions from these fans and then we personally visit these suggested businesses to make sure they are up to standard before listing them on our site.

What are the criteria for adding a company listing?

Companies are selected based solely on their overall experience for the discriminating customer. Quality of products, customer service, ambiance, and reputation are all taken into consideration. Availability also plays a factor when determining whether to list a business.

How do you determine if a business is "Snob Worthy"?

Our secret shoppers and unknown eaters are sent out into the market to evaluate businesses based upon the four approval criteria. If we determine that the overall experience was a good one, we add the visited establishment to LahoreSnob.com.

Why is my company not on this site?

With the many thousands of companies in Lahore, we may have just overlooked it. However, some companies may not have enough "Snob Appeal" required to be listed on LahoreSnob.com.

How can I request that my company be added to this site?

You can suggest a listing by or e-mailing us at info@lahoresnob.com. We will send an associate to your business, and if approved, it will be listed in the near future.

What are some of the conditions that will get a company denied?

Dirty or unsanitary conditions, rude or inattentive service, piles of unorganized items which may cause health hazards, poor quality products or services as per a discerning customer's viewpoint, hot, odorous and/or smoke-filled establishments, mildew or other toxic odors, construction in progress areas, an entrance which is dangerous or covered with trash, dirt, rocks, etc. and/or copying of another's business name.

Can a less desirable business give a bribe in order to get listed?

Absolutely not. Only legitimate, snob approved businesses will be offered a listing on LahoreSnob.com.

Why are most of the businesses from the Gulberg & Defence. Don't you list places from other parts of the city?

Most of the "snob worthy" businesses just happen to be located in Gulberg & Defence. However, we do have several listings for businesses from many other parts of Lahore. We are equal opportunity listers, so if you know of a nice place that is not on our site, please do suggest your listings.

Why isn't there a Restaurant Review Section? I want to hear what others have to say about these places.

While reviews can be very helpful, they are also subjective and can sometimes unjustly affect the name and reputation of a great place. In an attempt to maintain a positive internet directory, we have chosen not to have a review posting option at this time. However, we do encourage all comments be sent directly to LahoreSnob.com, as they can contribute in determining which businesses are posted on our site. Also, don't forget to send us your restaurant horror stories.

I noticed that some of the pictures are obviously not photos of Lahore. Shouldn't this site only display Lahore pictures?

Yes, it should. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find the exact pictures that convey the feeling of LahoreSnob.com. As we continue taking pictures of the listed businesses, we will choose the the best ones to display in each category on the site.